Sunday, November 15, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
You talk to God?
A memory that tugs on my heart the most took place at a middle school. We spent time with the kids in all the english classes and had the freedom to talk about anything we liked. As I sat on the floor with a group of 13-year-old boys, all clothed in the proper uniforms with light blue shirts, our conversation went from silly things that made us laugh to the simple question: “Why did you come to our school?” This opened the door for me to share about the most precious thing... my relationship with the Father. Their eyes were focused on me so intently and one boy finally built up the courage to ask, “You talk to God?” It was barely a whisper. Another leaned in and asked, “May I talk to Him, am I allowed to?” In that moment, I can not describe how overwhelmed I was at their innocence and genuine desire to know more. You could see it in their expressions, as if they had just come upon hidden treasure. And what an honor it was for me to be the one who got to share it with them.
May I have this too?
One evening in Taiwan, Kelli, Sunghye, and I found ourselves climbing up the stairs to The Rock Cafe. As we walked through the door, the sounds of conversations, laughter, and music filled our ears. Little lights were strung around the large room filled with tables and chairs, a shiny bar with wooden stools, fancy mugs filled with coffee or sodas, acoustic guitars hanging on the walls, and even a piano (my favorite!). Suddenly, a young college student invited us to sit with her and her close friend. Though they were both Taiwanese, their English was almost flawless. Our conversations danced from common interests to things we found really funny to stories from when we were younger... to see such a friendship develop in just hours was simply incredible. These girls, Emmabelle and Lucy, had already found a special place in my heart. As the night progressed, I found myself in a deep conversation with Emmabelle. As she asked questions about my life, I allowed myself to be completely transparent with her. And as I told Emmabelle about my relationship with the Father, her eyes lit up in a way I've never seen before. She asked me to share more and even made herself vulnerable by sharing areas of her heart with me. And then, the most beautiful thing happened... Emmabelle asked, "May I have this relationship with Him too? Will you show me?" With tears in my eyes and an overwhelming joy in my heart, I replied,"It would be an honor."
Thursday, August 6, 2009
New Update
The other ministries have been going well... schools in the mornings, the Rock Cafe at night, and many friendships with the locals we have met in our free time. Today we went to a hospital... wow. To be honest, I was a little nervous, for hospitals have never been a safe place for me. But we went and performed a drama, dance, testimonies... but the plan changed when we got there, so again... flexibility. :) That's definitely been the key word this entire trip! There was more time than we were expected to have and they were waiting for us to continue... to improvise, Kelli and I have spent time together singing/harmonizing together, so we offered to sing a worship song. Lynnea sang some songs as well, and as the sounds found their way down the hallways, the others from our team went up to different people and asked them for prayer. It was truly a powerful experience, with many in tears, including our team. So though I was nervous, it was so worth it.
The singing reminded me of another cool story (there's so many with so little time)... when we were in mainland China, there was a day that our team split into groups of 2 to go out and do silent prayer walks. Kelli and I found a rock out near the market to sit on and ended up singing/harmonizing worship songs without the words for an hour. Many people walked by with smiles, some stayed to listen, and even the police brought out their chairs to sit and listen. It was one of the coolest things we've ever done... in a nation where God's name is more hidden than proclaimed... and though we could not just go out and tell everyone about Him, where we had to speak in code and were followed everywhere and had our rooms bugged and... the list goes on... we still sat out in the middle of many precious people, gently worshiping the one true God... I'll never forget it... never.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
It's been so long...
We're now in Taiwan and how our schedule is jam packed with programs for schools, cafe ministry (called The Rock Cafe), hospital ministry, a vacation Bible school for kids who have never heard of Christ, a half-way house ministry, youth group ministry... and multiple people have accepted Christ in just the few days we've been here!
This is a short blog, I know, for how long it's been since I last wrote... when time is found, I will write again. :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
More Stories
And I must correct my last blog... there are no "cities" in Hong Kong, only different districts. So we have been to many different districts, eaten many types of food, have spent time with people with many different ethnicities... just yesterday we went to an international church... it was AWESOME! All the people in the worship band and all over were from Australia, Africa, Asia, Caribbean, and the US. Then we spent some time with Philipino women... they come here to work as maids and are not thought of very highly... they're so special and many of them really love the Lord. Saturday we spent time with a Nepalese ministry... we invited families from all over the village to come and we planned a children's program. We did a skit and played games and taught them songs (Shamarah and I did "deep and wide"). It was so much fun! Before that, we helped tutor the kids in English and math and did some door painting for them.
Though some things are pretty tough here, overall I truly like it! If only I could show pictures... there will be plenty... eventually. :)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Adventure Begins!
We're surrounded by beautiful rolling green mountains and I could go on and on about the village... I love it!!! When I can post pictures you will see what I mean. There are so many sounds... mainly of all different birds and crickets... during quiet times in the mornings, we go up on the roof of the base with multiple couches and chairs and when I close my eyes, it sounds like what I would imagine a jungle would sound like. There are many smells as well, much of which include incense. Ancestor worship is very big here, with altars everywhere for burning incense and worshiping. Just right outside people's doors everywhere are incense and there are many temples for worship as well. The atmosphere is very heavy. But the people are so lovely... and so sweet! Each day has been filled with something new, working with different ministries in different cities (with youth, kids, and prayer walks). We've been meeting new friends out in the village and spending time with them. The food is delicious and the cities are big and bustling. We have taken the train (like a subway) multiple places... my first time on one... so fun! And funny cultural difference... out the tons of cars of people, our small group were the only ones talking and laughing with each other.
I'm out of time...
Monday, June 1, 2009
And June Begins
This morning was one of my most favorite things yet! We normally have worship and intercession with the entire base on Mondays... but today was unique! The School of Worship set up the entire room with multiple stations allowing for different types of worship. One station had a big bag of soil, little pots, and all kinds of flower seeds. This represented life and creation with the Father. Another station had a Christmas tree with a plate of cookies, little presents under the tree, and a box to put a note in. The presents were a list of the gifts of the Spirit... and we could write a note to the Father. Next to that was a big table with paints and brushes and newspaper and blank pages for us to create something for Him. Then there was a table with pens and paper for you to write a poem or song or draw something. There was a separate area behind that, a secret place, with a mirror to see how wonderfully you were made. And the last station had fire (a candle), wind (a fan), dirt, dust, and water... all with verses corresponding to them. The whole room was covered with candles and filled with worship songs from around the world. Of course, I'm leaving out SO many details! If you know my heart for worship... you know how incredibly impacting this was!
Outreach is only 3 weeks away... CRAZY! Plans have changed a bit... we're going 3 different places instead of just 1. And finances are coming in... exciting!... please keep those in your prayers.
Monday, May 18, 2009
More Fun
Wow, thank you for all the comments and encouragement!
So, it's been a couple weeks and of course... MUCH has happened! The speaker we had this week shared about the character and nature of God and just... wow! He went deep into topics and really got everyone thinking... showing us many different perspectives and pulling up programs with Strong's and Young's and different translations of the Bible. I, of course, couldn't get enough of it and even spent our lunches and dinners at the tables he chose to sit at. I know some of you are now chuckling as you envision me following this gentleman around... it makes me smile as well. But seeing who each speaker really is, not just as they are sharing in front of a class, but how they are at lunch and just spending time with people... that's what I seek!
I've received some special things in the mail. For those of you who were apart of that (and you know who you are), thank you so much. There could not have been more perfect timing... even the package that started months ago... so special!
My health has stayed intact, yet some here have been battling colds and bronchitis. If you have a moment, please lift them up in prayer. We need them for the days we have community recreation! The most recent activity was soccer and was such a blast... my team won of COURSE!
Preparations for outreach are getting better and better. We're starting to learn much about the cultures where we will be visiting. Oh, and I forgot to mention it in the first blog but... we have challenges each week that involve things like “wear same pair of shoes all week,” “eat everything with chopsticks,” “only take cold military showers,” and others. This week is the coolest so far, but you have to email me to find out what it is... top secret!
Anyway, it's fun to share a bit about what's happening here. Until next time...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
It is time!
Though it has taken me quite some time, I finally created this blog. As a perfectionist, I really wanted to make this... well... perfect. Ha! But I change my mind. Instead it will just be simple and sincere. So... first, let me say... hi! I'm currently sitting on my back porch (one of my favorite places), typing away at whatever comes to mind. It's crazy to think I've been here for over four weeks already. And what an amazing time it has been! Let's see... the first week was just some orientation stuff. But starting the second week – oh man – it is impossible to put into words all that has happened. The classes focus on a specific topic each week, with a different speaker from different parts of the world for each topic. Right now our focus is on “The Holy Spirit.” Everyday, God has been molding my heart and mind in such tremendous ways. There is always something new and wonderful and... deep. It is overwhelming at times. He's also been strengthening me physically, by providing so much good food... seriously there is so much food to eat here all the time! And as a result, I'm happy to say I've gained a few pounds... But classes are only a small part of what we do each week. What is done the most I think is prayer... lots of prayer... for lots of places, people, things, corporately, individually... everyday. It's awesome! There is also lots of work and chores to be done around the base, which we are assigned to do every afternoon. Mondays are my favorite because I was chosen out of everyone to assist with vehicle maintenance. So I'm learning all about the basics for maintaining multiple vans and cars, each week advancing to more technical stuff. It's pretty sweet! But each day is different, filled with many different activities, responsibilities, and opportunities. Everyone in the DTS (Discipleship Training School) has been developing such special friendships with each other, the staff, and people in other schools. It's beautiful to see how unique each person is... to see into their hearts... We each have our own story to tell, and all are completely different. And many times I just step back in awe of how creative God is. What a privilege it is to be here...