Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Adventure Begins!

I made it here to Hong Kong safely... a long distance to travel, stopping in Korea on the way! This blog will be completely unorganized due to time constraints so here we go. We got up at 3:30am Monday morning to clean and head out for the airport and did not arrive until late Tuesday night (transferring to Hong Kong time, about 12 hours ahead). The flights were awesome, with the main one providing a tv for each person with movies and games... SWEET! :) We flew Korean air, so I got to try some Korean food... which although it was airplane food, was so good! Funny thing, they gave each American a big sheet of directions on how to mix all the ingredients together. The driver picked us up from the airport and... they drive on the left side of the road with the driver on the right side, although most of the road signs are on the left. He took us to the base, which is in the oldest village in Hong Kong (850 years). It is like no place I have ever been... seriously I've taken over 200 pictures already. When Wednesday came, I quote from my journal that night "it's Wednesday... have not showered since Sunday... it's super hot and humid here... sweating... all the time... so tired... haven't slept straight through a few hours in days... jet-lag extreme soaked in sweat... swollen ankles and feet from travel... everyones trying to figure out their swollen feet with multiple theories and hypotheses... so funny". I'm laughing so much right now reading all the things I wrote! And I wrote tons more than that... but I'm limited. The only A/C we get is at night from 10pm-6am... and it's hotter than FL here. I like it though because it causes me to drink more water. Let's see... shoes must be taken off anytime your indoors... I like this. The base here has worship every single morning and intercession every afternoon... INCREDIBLE! The tap water is universally safe in Hong Kong.
We're surrounded by beautiful rolling green mountains and I could go on and on about the village... I love it!!! When I can post pictures you will see what I mean. There are so many sounds... mainly of all different birds and crickets... during quiet times in the mornings, we go up on the roof of the base with multiple couches and chairs and when I close my eyes, it sounds like what I would imagine a jungle would sound like. There are many smells as well, much of which include incense. Ancestor worship is very big here, with altars everywhere for burning incense and worshiping. Just right outside people's doors everywhere are incense and there are many temples for worship as well. The atmosphere is very heavy. But the people are so lovely... and so sweet! Each day has been filled with something new, working with different ministries in different cities (with youth, kids, and prayer walks). We've been meeting new friends out in the village and spending time with them. The food is delicious and the cities are big and bustling. We have taken the train (like a subway) multiple places... my first time on one... so fun! And funny cultural difference... out the tons of cars of people, our small group were the only ones talking and laughing with each other.
I'm out of time...


  1. So glad to hear from you, Jenny!

    We love you, miss you, and are VERY proud of you!

    Do great things for God!


  2. awesome!! sounds amazing! :)
